Health advice is provided to employees attending occupational Health as a matter of course.
For contractual clients we provide an Occupational Health service website which includes a wealth of health information with links to external sites and health topics which are updated regularly.
Your people are your greatest asset and ensuring an optimum level of fitness will ultimately be of benefit to your business and impact upon reductions in sickness absence and staff retention.
To help you ensure your staff are at their best we offer a range of Lifestyle promotion options. Starting with the simplest with a blood pressure check, resting pulse rate and total cholesterol level, through a complete assessment including ECG, lung function, blood profile and fitness profile to executive/senior management medicals.
We advise clients, via our monthly newsletter, website and contract meetings on forthcoming potential health promotion events which range from talks on specific topics, through on-site event days to an organisational health audit based upon our BioPsychoSocial assessment tool which delivers a method for measuring the success of an overall health & wellbeing strategy over time.
To discuss your specific needs in this area or to request quotation for Occupational Health provision on a regular basis, please do not hesitate to give us a ring to enquire and we will be happy to assist.